Explore the Museum


Due to renovation of the main building, it will be closed for an extended period of time until 2026

전시장별 월, 화, 수, 목, 금, 토, 일의 관람시간안내표입니다.
Exhibition Halls Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun
Main Building Closed
Children’s Gallery Closed
Space Lee Ufan Closed 10:00 – 18:00

※ No entry past one hour before closing.

Days Closed

Mondays and New Year’s Day (January 1)

※ When a national holiday falls on a Monday, the museum is closed the following day.

Admission Fees

Museum entry is currently free of charge.

Main Building

구분별 관람료(개인, 단체), 통합권(개인, 단체)의 본관 관람료안내표입니다.
구분 Admission fees All-in-one ticket Notes
Individual Group Individual Group
Adults 5,000 3,000 7,000 5,000
· Children & teens (ages 7 to 19)
· Art Pass holders
· military personnel (up to rank of sergeant)
3,000 2,000 4,000 3,000

Space Lee Ufan

구분 관람료(부산광역시민, 그 외 지역주민) 이우환공간 관람료안내표입니다.
Admission fees Notes
Busan residents Others
Adults 2,000 3,000 · ages 20 to 64
Children & teens, military personnel 1,000 2,000 · ages 7 to 19
· up to rank of sergeant

※ Free entry: Children under 7 accompanied by parents; senior citizens; people with disabilities; people of national merit; children from multi-child families; others holding relevant certificates.

※ Ticketing ends one hour before closing time.

Parking Guide

Closed due to renovation.

Docent Tours

Closed due to renovation.

Audio Guide

  • An “Audio Guide” is available to enhance understanding of the exhibits.
  • The service is available by selecting “Audio Guide” from the “Exhibitions” section of the BMA website.
  • The content is also available through the NAVER “Audio Clip” platform.

Etiquette Guide

  • Set your phone to vibrate or silent mode so as not to disturb other visitors.
  • No loud voices, running, or touching exhibits.
  • Food and pets are not allowed, and “Heelys” sneakers or inline skates are not to be worn in the museum.
  • Ensure that your children follow museum etiquette.